Welcome to FAP web !
FAP web is a web-site devoted to Frequency Assignment Problems (FAPs) in wireless communication networks. On this site you find
- a bibliography on FAPs,
- a digest of frequency assignment literature,
- a survey of frequency assignment literature
Updated January 2, 2007,
- collections of test problems for benchmarking solution methods,
- links to FAP related websites, and
The FAP web bibliography is included in The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies. You can search the frequency assignment bibliography here.
If you have additional information, please fill out one of these forms, or e-mail directly to fapzib.de. All your comments to improve this site are welcome.
FAP web is maintained by Andreas Eisenblätter and Arie Koster.
FAP web has been launched June 9, 2000.
Last modified: Tue Jan 10 14:39:31 CET 2010 by the FAP web master